Monday, January 26, 2009

This morning at 3:30, my husband wakes me up to go let the dog out. Of course, this makes my brain start turning and sleep eludes me for awhile. I got started thinking about my calling as the RS Enrichment leader. I had a meeting yesterday with the RS presidency and the Stake RS presidency and got a lot of information that got my brain thinking. We were asked to meet the needs of the sisters and go back to the basics. But what did the basics encompass? Sewing, cooking, canning and preserving, building testimonies, getting an education...but what about other basics? So, this morning an idea came to me. First-aid. We live in a very rural area and the fire department is voluntary and there is no guarentee that you will be found in time if there is a real need. We do have people in the area who are trained EMT's, but what if they were not available? What then? So, at our board meeting this morning, this will be one of my suggestions for us to learn this year. It should be interesting to see what everyone else comes up with for ideas for Enrichment Meetings.


  1. Hi Karen, thanks for the invite to read your blog.
    Be sure and invite everyone you know so that you will be more motivated to post often and keep a journal of what's going on in your life.
    I sure miss you guys! Take care and remember I
    Love, Elisa
